Norge Bompengekalkulator | Beregn rutekostnadene dine umiddelbart
Estimer bompenger og drivstoffkostnader for motorveier over hele Norge
Planning a road trip in Tanzania? Estimate tolls, fuel expenses, and travel costs for your car, motorcycle, or truck. Find the best routes and avoid delays at Kigamboni Toll Plaza (Nyerere Bridge, Dar es Salaam).

Electronic Toll gantry only accepting Toll tags

Toll plaza accepting Cash

Via points

Truck restricted routes

EV charging point

Check out the detailed usage guide to know more about how to use the toll calculator, how the calculator works and much more.
Toll Guide
[acf_repeater field="toll_guide" sub_fields="title,url"]
- %title% [/acf_repeater]
TollGurus bompengekalkulator har omfattende dekning for alle bompenger i europeiske land – som Frankrike, Storbritannia, Spania, Italia, Sveits, Tyskland og andre. Få personlige bompriser for biler, lastebiler, busser, varebiler, bobiler og motorsykler. Du kan også bruke mobilappene våre (iOS eller Android).
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