How Much is the Toll on I-95 in Maryland

There are three toll facilities in Maryland which are part of the the I-95: 

2-axle car toll on I-95 in Maryland
Toll Facility E-ZPass MD Toll Rate (USD) Video Toll Rate (USD)
JFK Memorial Highway (northbound) $6.00 $8.00
Fort McHenry Tunnel $3.00 $12.00
I-95 Express Toll Lanes $1.54 (Peak) $1.19 (Off-peak) $0.49 (Overnight) $2.54 (Peak) $2.19 (Off-peak) $1.49 (Overnight)

Refer to the MDoT website for more details and timing

Use Maryland Toll Calculator to calculate tolls and gas costs to travel across Maryland including I-95 Express Toll Lanes.

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